Late orders can be picked up or shipped.
- Order before the deadline – your photos will be delivered for free with your group.
- Order after the deadline – please choose pickup at BOT studio or have your order shipped for a fee.
IMPORTANT! Team photo participation is not required by TriCity United, but if you choose to sign-up for a team photo time slot, please have all your players in attendance. All time slots are available to any team regardless of when or where they play. Pay close attention to where the team photos are scheduled.
Parents should place their photo orders on or before your photo day to guarantee free delivery to the field through the club.
Review the available time slots below and choose one for your team’s photo time. Thanks!
At the Shoot
Sibling Photos
Make-Up Times
Can’t make your assigned team time? Please contact Best of Times and we will schedule an alternate time here at our studio in Moorhead. But if at all possible though, please use the scheduled time for your group.
If your athlete is quarantining for COVID exposure, we totally understand your situation and would like to provide you with a simple reschedule date when you are ready. Please contact us right away so we know to leave a space for your player in the group photo.
There is no additional charges for either of these services. Thanks! BOT
Photo Delivery